Coming Soon
MoreMLS has added a Coming Soon status to its MLS. This is an exciting change for our MLS and its members, but we must ensure that the status and its rules are equitable to all MLS Participants and Subscribers.
When joining MOREMLS, Broker Participants have committed to cooperating with all MLS members by sharing their listings in the MLS as well as compensating all cooperating MLS participants who bring ready, willing and able buyers to their listings.
MOREMLS is committed to recognizing and responding to changing market conditions but must always respect the principals of cooperation and compensation that the MLS Participants have developed and rely on. We want each Participant to have an opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of MoreMLS and expect each Participant to accept the responsibilities.
Our Coming Soon status allows all of our Participant and Subscriber members the ability to take advantage of pre-marketing exposure should their client wish