Affiliate Member Presentation Request FormThis form is for Affiliate Members of MORR wishing to present a professional development (NON-CE) course to the MORR membership. Please be advised that this form will be reviewed by MORR Staff and then the candidate will need to be vetted by the Education Committee of the Monmouth Ocean Regional REALTORS® at their bi-monthly meetings. Candidate will then be able to provide a brief synopsis of the session and how it is beneficial to REALTOR® members in person at the meeting. All submissions must allow 6-8 weeks ahead of a presentation to be considered. To be considered, please have Presentation requests in no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled Education Committee Meetings. The Education Committee Meetings will be in Tinton Falls on the following dates: Monday, January 6th Monday, March 3rd Monday, May 3rd Monday, July 7th Monday, September 8th Monday, November 3rdPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Company: *Are you a member of MORR?YesNoCompany Logo Upload and Headshot Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files. Please upload your company logo and headshotTell us about your presentationPlease enter your presentation information below. Please be advised that we will use word for word what you include in our marketing materials.Type of presentation *- Please select -Real Estate Professional DevelopmentContinuing EducationOtherIf other, please specifyTitle of Presentation *Please briefly describe your event *Is this in-person or virtual? *Live / In PersonVirtualEither, I do not have a preferenceIf In-Person, please let us know which room you request:- Please select -Tinton Falls Small Conference Room (up to 12 people)Tinton Falls Large Conference Room (up to 40 people)Manahawkin (up to 8 people)Toms River (up to 40 people, we will need 6-8 weeks prior due to third party involvement)Please be advised that all rooms listed have at least one TV for presentations with an HDMI connection and HDMI cable. You are responsible for any adapters needed to connect. Each of our conference rooms in Tinton Falls have Keurig Machines, so feel free to bring milk or creamers.Please select any additional items you would like to add to your bookingLarge screen TVHDMI CablePresentation RemotePodiumIf in-person, will you be providing refreshments?YesNoDate and TimePlease arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your requested time to allow set up and setting down time.Requested Date *Begin Time * End Time * ConfirmationTerms of Agreement *I agree to the following terms:In person presentations: I agree to leave the facilities in a neat and tidy order, otherwise, I understand I will be responsible for a $50 cleaning fee. This includes chairs and tables being put back in order, trash cleaned up, and tables wiped. All presenters are to use this platform to educate the REALTOR® members, this is not a sales pitch platform. Should anyone not abide by these terms, their presentation will not be considered.Signature Clear Signature Submit